Ejercicios Clase 14

Solo Build It!

A. Escriba los siguientes números ordinales.

1             2nd .....................................................................................................................................
2             5th .....................................................................................................................................

3             8th ......................................................................................................................................

4             12th ....................................................................................................................................

5             13th ....................................................................................................................................

6             30th ....................................................................................................................................

7             33rd ....................................................................................................................................

8             49th ...................................................................................................................................

9             51st ...................................................................................................................................

10           64th ...................................................................................................................................

Las respuestas correctas.

1             second 
2             fifth
3             eighth
4             twelfth
5             thirteenth
6             thirteenth
7             thirty-third
8             forty-ninth
9             fifty-first
10           sixty-fourth

B. Traduzca al inglés.

1             el siglo veinte (vigésimo)


2             el séptimo mes


3             su cuarto novio (de ella)

4             la undécima planta (de un edificio)


5             su decimoquinto cumpleaños (de él)


6             su primera  casa (de ellos)

7             mi primer coche


Las respuestas correctas.

1             the twentieth century
2             the seventh month
3             her fourth boy-friend
4             the elevnth floor
5             his fifteenth birthday
6             their first house
7             my first car

C. Usted está en Londres. ¿Qué diría en estas situacciones?

1             Usted está an la 5ª planta. Un hombre está buscando la 6ª planta.

                Go .......................  ...........................  to the next ................................................ .

2             Ustede está en la 2ª planta. Una mujer está buscando la 1ª planta.

                Go ............................ the stairs. It´s  ...........  next ................................. down.

3             Un hombre busca la oficina de alguien.

                ......................  the lift. His office is .......................... the tenth....  ................................... .

4             Usted está en la 1ª planta. Una mujer busca la salida.

                Go .......................... the stairs to the ........................................ floor. 

5             Una mujer está buscando el bar del hotel, que se encuentra al doblar la esquina.

                It´s ...................................... the .......................................... , ................... the left.

6             Un hombre está buscando la habitación 725. Está más arriba.

                It´s .................................................... .

7             Una mujer busca el restaurante del hotel.

                It´s ................................................. on.

8             Una mujer busca la habitación 369, que está una planta más abajo.

                Room 369 is on the ............................... floor ............................ .

Las respuestas correctas.

1             upstairs/floor
2             down/the/floor
3             Take/on/floor
4             down/ground
5             round/corner/on
6             upstairs
7             straight
8             next/down

D. Complete las frases con la palabra adecuada.

1             down/along

                Go ............................  the stairs to the next floor.

2             lift/elevator (es usted americano)

                Take the   ................................................  ...................... to the ninth floor.

3             first/ground (su mujer trabaja en un edificio de Los Angeles)

                My wife works on the ...................................  floor.

4             to/on

                Mr Lovelace works .....................................  the next floor up.

5             2d/4th (está usted en el tercer piso de un edificio de Atlanta)

                In Britain this is the .................. floor.

6             along/round

                Go .................... the corridor. Room 46 is on the left.

7             up/down (está usted en el tercer piso)

                The fourth floor is the next one ..................... .

8             upstairs/downstairs (está usted en el tercer piso)

                The 2nd floor is ....................................................... .

Las respuestas correctas.

1             down

2             elevator
3             first
4             on
5             2nd
6             along
7             up
8             downstairs

E. Responda utilizando las palabras señaladas y otros.

1             Can you tell me the way to Fifth Avenue?          sorry/know

                I´m .............................. I ......................... ' ...........  ............... ............. . 

2             Is this the way to the town hall?              straight

                .................. , ........... ............ is. It´s ................................................ on. 

3             Is this the way to Oxford Street?             no

                ................. . Oxford Street ............ that  ................. . 

4             Where´s the park, please?         right/along

                Go ............................. this road and it´s ............ the ................................. . 

5             Is there a police station near here?        corner

                Yes. There´s ............................. round .................  .................................. . 

6             Can you tell us the way to the beach?   left/then

                Go ................... on , ....... ....................... turn ........................... down Casablanca Street. 

7             Is there a hotel near here?         round/There´s

                Yes. ............................. ..... ' ............ one ........................................ corner. 

8             Is this the way to Madrid?          going

                No, you´re ............................. the .............................  ............................ . 

Las respuestas correctas.

1             sorry/don´t know
2             Ys/it/straight
3             No/is/way
4             along/on/right
5             one/the corner
6             straight/then/left
7             There´s/round the
8             going/wrong way

F. Elija la preposición adecuada.

                to  -  past  -  on  -  up

1             Africa´s house is the fourth one ........................ the left.

2             Can you tell me the way ..................................... Nelson Street?

3             Go .................. the stairs or take the lift.

4             The school is about fifty metres ..................... the Town Hall.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             on
2             to
3             up
4             past

G. Elija la palabra apropiada.

1             Go/take

                ........................................ down this road and the bank is on the left. 

2             Turn/take

                ............................  left along Stone Street.

3             Go/Take

                ................................... the third road on the left, then turn right.

4             along/round

                Go .................... ...  the corner, then turn left.

5             past/over

                The station is ..................................... the apartment building.

6             past/up

                Go ...................... the hill, then go straight on.

7             over/round

                There´s a café .................................. the road. Look!

8             down/round

                Go ..................... this street, then turn right.


Las respuestas correctas.

1             Go
2             Turn
3             Take
4             round
5             past
6             up
7             over
8             down

H. Complete utilizando uno de las frases y la palabra dada.

                There is a/an ....                              There are some ...

1             IGLESIA

                ...........................  .............. ..............  ............................  round the corner .

2             UNIVERSIDAD

                ................................  ..............  .......... ........................................................ over the road.

3             OFICINAS

                 .............  ..................................  .................... ................................... on the first floor.

4             GARAJES
                 ..............................  .......................  .......................  ............................. down this street. 

5             RESTAURANTE

                ...................................  .................  ................................. ....... upstairs. 

6             TIENDAS

                ..............................  .............  ..........................  ...................... in  Duke street.             


                .........................  ............  ...............  ........................................... in the station. 

Las respuestas correctas.

1             There is a church
2             There is an university
3             There are some offices
4             There are some garages
5             There is a restaurant
6             There are some shops 
7             There is an escalator

I. Traduzca al inglés. No utilices contracciones.

1             Hay un banco en la calle Uranus.


2             La casa está cerca del río.


3             ¿Hay un pub enfrente del garaje?


4             ¿Está su oficina an la esquina de la calle North y la calle West?


5             Hay un hotel al lado de la granja.


6             La parada del autobús está al otro lado de la carretera.


7             ¿Hay una biblioteca cerca de aquí?


8             ¿Hay algunas librerías cerca de aquí?


Las respuestas correctas.

1             There is a bank in Uranus Street.
2             The house is near the river.
3             Is there a pub opposite the garage?
4             Is your office on the corner of North Street and West street?
5             There is a hotel next to the farm.
6             The bus stop is over (across) the road.
7             Is there a library near here?
8             Are there any bookshops near here?

J. Traduzca al inglés comenzando cada petición con 'May...'.

                where´s  -  wrong  - next  -  on  - way  - downstairs  - upstairs

1             OCTAVA (Usted está en la novena planta.)

                I work ....................................... on the .................................... floor. 

2             PLANTA

                Mr Felming´s office is on the .....................................  ............................... up. 

3             BIBLIOTECA

                Can you tell me the ............................. to the ............................. , please?

4             LIBREÍA

                ........................ the ........................................................ ? 

5             LONDRES

                This isn´t the road to      ............................... . You´re going the ................................ way. 

6             IZQUERDA

                Turn ............................... and the hairdresser´s is ......................... the corner. 

7             ASCENCOR

                It´s ....................................., on the seventh floor. You can go up in the ........................... . 

Las respuestas correctas.

1             downstairs/eighth
2             next florr
3             way/library
4             Where´s/bookshop
5             London/wrong
6             left/on
7             upstairs/lift

K. Asocie las personas con una de las preguntas o afirmaciones. 

1             Mr Carter is carrying a parcel and some letters.                                                              

A             Is this the way to the music festival?

2             Mr Combs is looking for Miss Hollander´s office.                                             
B             Is this the way to the football stadium?

3             Eduardo and Jacinto are carrying fishing rods.                   

C             London is this way. No, it isn´t. It´s that way.

4             Miss Grey is the girl with the violin.                                                       
D             The river is that way..

5             Sally is wearing a tracksuit and is carrying a tennis racket.                                                           

E             Her office is on the sixth floor.                                                 

6             There are eleven men in tracksuits. One man´s got a ball.                                                         

F             There it is. Look! The sign says 'Way out'.

7             Mr and Mrs Grapes are looking for the exit.                      

G            Can you tell me the way to the post office?

8             Mrs Cyrus is carrying her passport.    

H             Is this the way to the departure lounge?

9             Mr and Mrs Spears are lost in England and they are looking at a map.                                   

I              Excuse me. Where are the tennis courts?

10           Mrs Reddick is looking for Mr Smith´s office.                                    
J              His office is round the corner, on the right.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             G
2             E
3             D
4             A
5             I
6             B
7             F
8             H
9             C
10           J

L. Elija las palabras adecuadas para completar las frases.

1             Go ... blocks along 42nd Street.                                                               

A             downtown

2             Take ... turning on the right.

B             Third

3             Go two blocks ... and the Plaza Hotel is on the left.

C             four

4             Where do you want to go? Thirty-third and ...  

D             Turn

5             ... left here, then go straight on.                                             

E             the fifth                              

6             ... the stairs to the third floor.                                  

F             Go up

7             Take the third turning on ...                       

G            ahead

8             Turn ... down Burns Street.

H             right

9             Go down Hill Lane, the go straight ...                     

I              past

10           Go ... the cinema and the station is on the left.                                               

J              the right

Las respuestas correctas.

1             C
2             E
3             A
4             B
5             D
6             F
7             J
8             H
9             G
10           I


Solo Build It!