Ask Tibisay

Solo Build It!


1. Construya su confianza

• Trate de participar en actividades de conversación, incluso si se siente avergonzado.

• prepare lo que va a decir y utilice notas.

• No trate de expresar ideas que son demasiado complicadas. Utilice frases sencillas.

• No se preocupe por cometer errores. Es mejor cometer algunos errores que no hablar en absoluto.

2. Escuche el idioma que desee aprender

• Escuchar el idioma que quiere aprender le ayudará a acostumbrarse a su sonido y ritmos.

• Escuche un texto y practique la lectura en voz alta.

• Vea películas en esta lengua y trate de describirlos en este idioma a un amigo.

3. Aprender vocabulario y frases útiles.

• Aprenda el vocabulario básico que necesita para responder a preguntas sobre usted mismo, su familia y sus amigos, sus gustos y disgustos y sus ambiciones.

• Practique con


Can y could


Usamos can:

• para expresar habilidad en el presente.

George can speak four languages.

Can you play any musical instruments?

• para expresar posibilidad e imposibilidad.

Where can you buy the paper?

I can’t go out tonight. I have to study.

• para pedir algo

Can you help me?

• para pedir y dar permiso.

‘Teacher, can I go now?’ - ‘Yes, you can.’

Teenagers can stay up late at weekends if their parents agree.

Usamos can’t:

• para expresar prohibiciones.

You can’t listen to music in the library.

• para expresar una deducción negativa o cuando creemos que algo probablemente no es cierto.

He can’t be a doctor. He’s too young.

That can’t be Sheila over there. She left for Manchester yesterday.

• para hablar sobre imposibilidad en el pasado. En este caso usamos can’t + have + participio de pasado.

He can’t have been at home yesterday because I phoned him several times.


can/can’t + infinitivo sin to


I can to swim.(mal) I can swim. (bien)


Usamos could:

• para expresar habilidad en el pasado.

My daughter could read when she was four.

• para pedir algo de manera educada.

Could I use your phone, Mr Harris?

• para expresar permiso en el pasado.

When I was young I couldn’t stay out late at weekends.

• para hacer deducciones cuando no estamos seguros de que algo sea cierto.

I’m not sure, but that could be Tom’s mother.

• Usamos couldn’t para expresar imposibilidad en el pasado. En este caso, usamos couldn’t + have + participio de pasado.

He couldn’t have won the cookery competition: he doesn’t know how to cook.

He couldn’t have written that story so quickly.

Was/were able to

• Usamos was/were able to para expresar que teníamos la habilidad de hacer algo en una situación concreta del pasado.

Last year, I was able to run the 100 metres in under eleven seconds.

(= Corri los 100 metros en menos de once segundos.)

Was/were allowed to

• Usamos was/were allowed to para expresar permiso en el pasado.

When I was young, I was allowed to stay out late at weekends.

• Podemos usar was/were allowed to para expresar que teníamos permiso para hacer algo en el pasado en una situación concreta.

We were allowed to take photographs in the museum. (= Podiamos hacer fotografias en el museo.)


could/couldn’t + infinitivo sin to

was/were (not) + able to + infinitivo sin to

was/were (not) + allowed to + infinitivo sin to

Be able to

• can y could son las formas de presente y pasado (could también puede ser condicional). Cuando tenemos que usar otras formas verbales para hablar sobre habilidad y posibilidad, usamos be able to.

Formas de futuro: I won’t be able to do it if you don’t help me.

Formas perfectas: Have you been able to finish your essay?


You will can speak English if you follow my advice.(mal)

You will be able to speak English if you follow my advice.(bien)


May y might

Usamos may:

• para pedir y dar permiso.

‘May I go to the toilet, please?’ - ‘Yes, you may.’

Usamos may o might:

• para expresar posibilidad en el presente o el futuro, cuando no estamos seguros de si algo es o no es cierto.

The exam was very difficult. I may/might pass.

It may/might rain tomorrow.

• para expresar posibilidad en el pasado cuando no estamos seguros de si ha ocurrido algo. En este caso, usamos may/might + have + participio de pasado.

‘He didn’t have any money on him, but he still bought the watch.’ - ‘He might have used his credit card.’


may/might (not) + infinitivo sin to


Must y mustn’t

Usamos must:

• para expresar obligación en el presente o el futuro. Suele implicar un juicio personal por parte del hablante.

You must give up eating sweets.

I must write to Sandra.

• para dar instrucciones.

Patients must take the medicine before meals.

• para expresar una deducción positiva cuando creemos que algo es probablemente cierto.

They must be sisters. They look exactly the same.

• para hablar sobre una posibilidad en el pasado cuando estamos seguros de lo que ha ocurrido. En este caso, usamos must + have + participio de pasado.

He’s already at home. He must have taken a taxi from the airport.

Usamos mustn’t:

• para hablar sobre prohibiciones.

You mustn’t drive after taking the tablets.

You mustn’t shout in class.


You must to listen in class.(mal)

You must listen in class. (bien)

Consejo: usamos have to con:

El pasado simple: After the bomb alert, they had to leave the terminal building.

Las formas de futuro: I’ll have to go to Liz’s party if she invites me.

Las formas perfectas: I’ve had to work late all week.


must/mustn’t + infinitivo sin to

Have to y don’t have to

Usamos have to:

• para hablar sobre las obligaciones de todos los días: las actividades que forman parte de la rutina.

Teenagers have to get up early during the week.

Do you have to take the car to go to work?

• para hablar sobre obligaciones que nos imponen otros.

I have to be home by eleven at weekends.

You have to be eighteen to vote in the UK.

Usamos don’t have to:

• para decir que no existe obligación de hacer algo.

Most teenagers don’t have to get up early on Saturdays.

You don’t have to vote. Voting is not compulsory in the UK.


I mustn’t get up early on Sundays.(mal)

I don’t have to get up early on Sundays.(bien)


have/has to + infinitivo sin to

don’t/doesn’t have to + infinitivo sin to


Need y needn’t

Usamos need:

• para hablar sobre necesidades.

I need to work harder to pass the exam.

Usamos needn’t o don’t/doesn’t need to:

• para expresar que no existe obligación de hacer algo.

You needn’t take the exam. Your classwork is excellent.

We don’t need to hurry. There’s plenty of time.

Usamos needn’t have + participio de pasado:

• para decir que hicimos algo en el pasado que no era necesario.

I needn’t have come to school. The teacher was ill and there were no lessons.

Usamos didn’t need to:

• para expresar que no era necesario hacer algo.

We didn’t need to wait. There was no queue.


need/needn’t + infinitivo sin to

don’t need + to + infinitivo sin to



Usamos should:

• para dar consejo.

You should sleep more. You look tired.

You shouldn’t eat so many sweets.

• para hablar sobre obligaciones morales.Children should look after their parents when they are old.

Forma should/shouldn’t + infinitivo sin to

Ought to

Usamos ought to:

• para dar consejo.

You ought to go to the doctor.

Consejo: ought to no es tan frecuente como should y normalmente no lo usamos en la forma negativa o en interrogativas.

• para expresar una crítica de las acciones pasadas. En este caso, usamos should/ought to + have + participio de pasado.

He ought to/should have studied more for the exam.

Forma ought to/ought not to + infinitivo sin to.



I agree
you agree
he agrees
she agrees
it  agrees
you agree
we agree
they agree


I  don´t agree
you don´t agree
he doesn´t  agree
she doesn´t agree
it doesn´t agree
you don´t agree
we don´t agree
they don´t agree


do I  agree?
do  you agree?
does he agree?
does she agree?
does it agree?
do you  agree?
do we agree?
do they agree?

El present simple se utiliza para hablar de:

*             hábitos o actividades regulares.
                I play tennis every day
*             hechos o cosas que son siempre ciertas.
                Water boils at 100ºC.
                Olympic athletes train very hard.
*             un acontecimiento futuro o programado.
                Her train arrives at 11.30.



I´m thinking
you´re thinking
he´s  thinking
she´s thinking
it´s  thinking
you´re thinking
we´re thinking
they´re thinking


I´m not thinking
you aren´t thinking
he isn´t thinking
she isn´t thinking
it isn´t thinking
you aren´t thinking
we aren´t thinking
they aren´t thinking


am I thinking?
are you thinking?
is  he thinking?
is she thinking?
is it thinking?
are you thinking?
are  we thinking?
are they  thinking?

El present continuous se utiliza para hablar de:

*             acciones en curso en el momento en que se habla.
                He´s having breakfast in the kitchen.
*             situaciones transitorias.
                We´re staying with friends for a week.
*             planes de futuro.
                We´re leaving at 8.30.


Existen ciertos verbos que casi nunca se utilizan en present continuous, present perfect continuous o past continuous. Son los llamados verbos de estado (state verbs). Los más comunes son:

Verbos de pensamiento: understand, know, remember, believe, forget
Verbos de gustos y aversiones: like, love, prefer, hate
Verbos de estado y posesión: be, own


He doesn´t like spaghetti.
I understand what you´re saying.
We know what you´ve been doing


El gerund (nombre verbal) se utiliza:

*             como sujeto de una frase.
                Smoking is bad for you.
                Shopping can be really boring.
*             detrás de preposiciones.
                The thought of going on holiday was exciting.
                They were accused of stealing three bikes.
*             detrás de ciertos verbos. Entre otros: admit, avoid, can´t stand, consider, don´t mind, finish, give up, mention, practise, risk, suggest.


He admitted stealing the bikes.
She suggested going to the cinema.
Dancing is great fun.
He explained the reason for making extra copies.
I don´t mind lending it to you.



I passed
you passed
he passed
she passed
it passed
you passed
we passed
they passed



I didn´t pass
you didn´t pass
he didn´t pass
she didn´t pass
it didn´t pass
you didn´t pass
we  didn´t pass
they  didn´t pass


did I pass?
did you pass?
did he pass?
did she pass?
did it pass?
did you pass?
did we pass?
did they pass?

El past simple se utiliza:

*             para hablar de sucesos o acciones del pasado que ya han concludo.

                I left Spain in 1998
                What time did you finish your homework?

*             para hablar de algo que sucedia con regularidad en el pasado.

                They played basketball after school every day.
                He went to French classes for years.

*             detrás de when

                We walked to school when we lived in Carmona.
                When did you leave?



I  was eating
you were eating
he was eating
she was  eating
it was eating
you were eating
we were eating
they were eating


I  wasn´t eating
you weren´t eating
he  wasn´t eating
she wasn´t eating
it wasn´t eating
you weren´t eating
we weren´t  eating
they weren´t eating


was I eating?
were you eating?
was he eating?
was she eating?
was it eating?
were you eating?
were we eating?
were they eating?

El past continuous se utiliza:

*             para hablar de una acción que estaba en curso en un momento determinado del pasado.

                At 12.00 I was talking to Maria on the phone.

*             para hablar de una acción interrumpida en el pasado.

                I was cooking my dinner when the doorbell rang.

*             detrás de while o as.

                While I was walking, it started to rain.
                As he was leaving, he saw her.



I had finished
you had finished
he had finished 
she had finished
it had finished
you had finished
we had finished
they had finished


I hadn´t finished
you hadn´t finished
he hadn´t finished
she hadn´t finished
it hadn´t finished
you hadn´t finished

we hadn´t finished
they hadn´t finished


had I finished?
had you finished?
had he finished?
had she finished?
had  it finished?
had you finished?
had we finished?
had they finished?

El past perfect simple se utiliza para hablar de:

*             acciones o situaciones del pasado anteriores a otra acción o situación.

                Susie looked in her bag. She´d forgotten her mobile phone!

*             acciones anteriores a un momento especifico del pasado.
                By 6.00 we had washed the dishes and cooked a pizza.


after suele ir seguido de past perfect.
After we´d finished dinner, we went for a walk.



I used to live in London
you used to live in London
he used to live in London
she used to live in London
it used to live in London
you used to live in London
we used to live in London
they used to live in London


I didn´t use to live in London
you didn´t use to live in London
he didn´t use to live in London
she didn´t use to live in London
it didn´t use to live in London
you didn´t use to live in London
we didn´t use to live in London
they didn´t use to live in London


did I use to live in London
did you use to live in London
did he use to live in London
did she use to live in London
did it use to live in London
did you use to live in London
did we use to live in London
did they use to live in London

used to se utiliza para hablar de un hábito, actividad regular o situación del pasado.


I used to cycle to school.
We didn´t use to have video recorder.



I´ve practised
you´ve practised
he´s practised
she´s practised
it´s practised
you´ve practised
we´ve practised
they´ve practised


I haven´t practised
you haven´t practised
he hasn´t practised
she hasn´t practised
it hasn´t practised
you haven´t practised
we haven´t practised
they haven´t practised


have I practised?
have you practised?
has he practised?
has she practised?
has it practised?
have you practised?
have we practised?
have they practised?

El present perfect se utiliza para hablar de:

*             algo que comenzó en el pasado y que continua en el presente
                I´ve worn glasses since I was seven.
                How long have you lived here?

*             experencias vitales, cuando no se especifica cuándo tuvieron lugar.
                We´ve visited South America twice.
                Have you ever been on a motorbike?

*             algo que sucedió en el pasado y que tiene un efecto en el presente.
                I´ve forgotten their phone number. (I haven´t got thier phone number now.)


*             El past simple se utiliza con expresiones de tiempo y fechas; el present perfect, cuando no se menciona el momento o la fecha.
                He´s gone. He left yesterday.
               ´Have you done your homework?´
               ´I did it last night.´

*             been y gone tienen significados diferentes.
                He´s been to Granada. (He went and came back.)
                He´s gone to Granada. (He´s still there.)


for y since se utilizan para expresar durante cuánto tiempo ha continuado una acción hasta el presente.

*             for se utiliza para hablar de un periodo de tiempo.
                I´ve been here for three days / a month / a year / a long time.

*             since se utiliza para hablar de un momento concreto en el tiempo.
                I´ve known how to surf since I was fifteen / since last summer / since I went to Cornwall.

*             already y just se utilizan detrás de have/has y delante del past participle.
                John has already finished the exam.
                She´s just left the house.

*             yet se coloca el final de las frases. Se utiliza en oraciones negativas e interrogativas.
                Have you seen Harry Potter yet?
                I haven´t read the book yet.

He´s had a motorbike for two months.
They´ve lived in Portugal for ten years.

He´s had a motorbike since his birthday.
I´ve known my best friend since I was four.

They´ve already brought their Christmas presents.
She´s already seen that film.

He´s just had his breakfast.
I´ve just sent an e-mail to Mary.

He hasn´t had lunch yet.
Have you finished yet?



I´ll learn
you´ll learn
he´ll learn
she´ll learn
it´ll learn
you´ll learn
we´ll learn
they´ll learn


I won´t learn
you won´t learn
he won´t learn
she won´t learn
it won´t learn
you won´t learn
we won´t learn
they won´t learn


will I learn?
will you learn?
will he learn?
will she learn?
will it learn?
will you learn?
will we learn?
will they learn?

will se utiliza para hablar de:

*             decisiones tomadas en el momento en que se habla.
                ´The window is open.´
                ´I´ll close it.´

*             predicciones de caráter general.
                It´ll rain next week.
                You won´t like it here.



I´m going to swim
you´re going to swim
he´s going to swim
she´s going to swim
it´s going to swim
you´re going to swim
we´re going to swim
they´re going to swim


I´m not going to swim
you aren´t going to swim                                    
he isn´t going to swim
she isn´t going to swim
it isn´t going to swim
you aren´t going to swim
we aren´t going to swim
they aren´t going to swim


am I going to swim?
are you going to swim?
is he going to swim?
is she going to swim?
is it going to swim?
are you going to swim?
are we going to swim?
are they going to swim?

going to se utilica para hablar de:

*             intenciones y planes de futuro, una vez que se ha tomado una decisión.
                I´m going to get a job next year.

*             predicciones basadas en una evidencia apreciable en el momento en que se habla.
                Listen to the wind. There´s going to be a storm.



I will be listening
you will be listening
he will be listening
she will be listening
it will be listening
you will be listening
we will be listening
they will be listening


I won´t be listening
you won´t be listening
he won´t be listening
she won´t be listening
it won´t be listening
you won´t be listening
we won´t be listening
they won´t be listening


will I be listening
will you be listening
will he be listening
will she be listening
will it be listening
will you be listening
will we be listening
will they be listening

El future continuous se utiliza para hablar de algo que estará en curso en un momento determinado del futuro.

What will you be doing on Saturday evening?
I´ll be having dinner with Sarah.
They´ll be playing football tomorrow afternoon.



I will have understood
you will have understood
he will have understood
she will have understood
it will have understood
you will have understood
we will have understood
they will have understood


I won´t have understood
you won´t have understood
he won´t have understood
she won´t have understood
it won´t have understood
you won´t have understood
we won´t have understood
they won´t have understood


will I have understood?
will you have understood?
will he have understood?
will she have understood?
will it have understood?
will you have understood?
will we have understood?
will they have understood?

El future perfect se utilica para hablar de algo que habrá concluido en un momento determinado del futuro.


I´ll have finished this letter soon.
By the time I´m 30 I´ll have travelled the world.
They´ll have had their car for two years next month.


Many students use computers.

Computers are used by many students.

Present simple passive

I´m invited
you´re invited
he´s invited
she´s invited
it´s invited
you´re invited
we´re invited
they´re invited

Past simple passive

I was invited
you were invited
he was invited
she was invited
it was invited
you were invited
we were invited
they were invited

Present perfect simple passive

I´ve been invited
you´ve been invited
he´s been invited
she´s been invited
it´s been invited
you´ve been invited
we´ve been invited
they´ve been invited

Ten en cuenta:

*             El objeto de una oración activa es el sujeto de la misma oración en voz pasiva.

*             La forma pasiva del present simple se construye con el present simple del verbo to be + un past participle.

*             La forma pasiva del past simple se construye con el past simple del verbo to be + un past participle.

*             La forma pasiva del present perfect simple se construye con el present perfect simple del verbo to be + el past participle del verbo principal.

*             La oración pasiva se utiliza cuando no se sabe quién realizó la acción o cuando se tiene mayor interés en la acción que en su autor.
                A new drug is being tested.
                My purse has been stolen.

*             Puede utilizarse by detrás del verbo en passiva para indicar qué o quién realiza la acción.
                It was painted by Cézanne.
                The team will be chosen by the manager.

La construcción have / get (algo) done se utiliza para hablar de acciones que son realizadas por otros:

I´ve had my bike repaired. = Someone else repaired my bike. I didn´t do it myself.
She got her hair cut. = Someone cut her hair, she didn´t cut it herself.


First conditional:

If + present simple + will + infinitive
If you see the film, you´ll understand.

El condicional de primer grado se utiliza para hablar de:

*             posibles o probables situaciones futuras.
                If it´s cold tomorrow, I won´t walk to college.
                If she doesn´t go to the party, she won´t see Davis.

*             promesas y advertencias.
                If you forget her birthday, she´ll be upset.
                If we eat now, we won´t be hungry when we get to the restaurant.

Second conditional:

If + past simple + would + infinitive
If you saw the film, you´d understand.

El condicional de segundo grado se utiliza para:

*             hablar de situaciones irreales o improbables en el presente o en el futuro.
                If I had more money, I´d buy it for you. (It is unlikely that I will have more money.)

                If I had a car, you could learn to drive. (I don´t have a car, so you won´t learn to drive.)

*             dar consejo.
                If I were you, I´d put some suntan lotion on.
                If he lived in Germany, he´d learn German.

Third conditional:

If + past perfect + would have + past participle.
If you had seen the film, you would have understood.

El condicional de tercer grado se utiliza para hablar de cosas que no tuvieron lugar en el pasado:

If I had known you were coming, I would have made some dinner. (I didn´t know you were coming so I didn´t make any dinner.)

La proposición que lleva if puede colocarse delante o detrás de la proposición principal.
El significado es el mismo en ambos casos.
Si se coloca delante, se utiliza coma.


If I´d remembered your birthday, I would have sent you a card.
I would have send you a card if I´d remembered your birthday.


Las subordinadas de relativo aportan información adicional acerca de algo. Los pronombres relativos who, which, that, where y whose se utilizan para introducir una subordinada de relativo.

1.) Defining relative clauses:

That´s the boy who I play football with.
The shop where I bought this top is near here.
The computer that we bought stopped working.

*             Las subordinadas especificativas de relativo (defining relative clauses) especifican o definen aquello de lo que se habla. Aportan información adicional sobre alguien o algo.

*             who o that se utilizan para hablar de una persona.
                The man who works in the shop is very friendly.
                The girl that I met at the party had long, brown hair.

*             which o that se utilizan para hablar de una cosa.
                The pen which I lost was silver.
                The car that we bought was really good.

*             whose se utiliza para los posesivos.
                That´s the woman whose son is an athlete.


En las subordinadas especificativas de relativo puede omitirse el pronombre relativo cuando este realiza la función de objeto directo.


That´s the book (that) I bought.
(that refers to the book, and is the object of the verb bought)
She´s the girl (who) I met.
(who refers to the girl, and is the object of the verb met)

2.) Non-defining relative clauses:

The book, which wasn´t expensive, was fascinating.
Maria, who has been in London, is coming home tomorrow.
David, whose brother lives near me, works in that shop.

*             Las subordinadas explicativas de relativo (non-defining relative clauses) proporcionan información que no es esencial para el significado de la oración.

                Mr Thompson, who works in the shop, is very friendly.

*             Los pronombres relativos no pueden omitirse en las subordinadas explicativas de relativo.
                The criminal, who the police were following, escaped.

*             Es posible unir dos frases cortas mediante un pronombre relativo para hacer una frase más larga.
                Alison´s sister is called Debbie. She´s a nurse.
                Alison´s sister, who´s a nurse, is called Debbie.

*             Las subordinadas explicativas de relativo van separadas del resto de la frase por comas.
                We went to Bristol, where my brother used to live, at the weekend.


En las subordinadas explicativas de relativo no se utiliza that.
My scooter, that I got for my birthday last year, as never broken down. X
My scooter, which I got for my birthday last year, has never broken down.√


Direct speech - Reported speech
´I love the hotel.´ - She said that she loved the hotel.
´We ´re having a wonderful time. - He said that they were having a wonderful time.
´I worked for ten hours.´ - He said he´d worked for ten hours.
´You´ve never written to me.´ - She said he´d never written to her.
´I´ll see you soon.´ - He said he´d see her soon.

*             Si el reporting verb (por ejemplo said o told) está en pasado, el verbo en estilo directo retrocede un tiempo verbal al pasar a estilo indirecto.

                present simple --> past simple
                present continuous --> past continuous
                past simple --> past perfect simple
                present perfect simple --> past perfect simple
                wiil --> would
                can --> could

*             Los verbos modales should, could, would, might y ought to no cambian al pasar a estilo indirecto.
                ´We might come.´ She said that they might come.
                ´I could be there by 8.00.´ He said that they could be there by 8.00.

*             Los pronombres y adjetivos posesivos sí cambian.
                ´I´m watching you.´ He said that he was watching him.
                ´We´ve got you a surprise.´ She said thet they had got                      him a surprise.
                ´I´ve forgotten my keys.´ He said that he had forgotten                      his keys.

time expressions in reported speech:

Las expresiones de tiempo también cambian al pasar a estilo indirecto.
this = that
these = those
now = then
next week = the following week
today  = that day
tomorrow = the next day
yesterday = the day before
last week  = the week before


Direct questions - Reported questions
´What time is your train?´ - She asked what the time his train was.
´Why are you laughing?´ - He asked why she was laughing.

*             En las oraciones interrogativas en estilo directo el orden es verbo + sujeto.

*             En las oraciones interrogativas en estilo indirecto el orden es sujeto + verbo. No se utiliza signo de interrogación.
                He asked how old she was.
                She asked where the hotel was.

*             Si la pregunta en estilo directo no lleva particula interrogativa, al pasar a estilo indirecto se utiliza if o whether.
                ´Are you Spanish?´
                He asked if / whether we were Spanish.

reported commands:

Direct commands - Reported commands
´Be quiet!´ - He told them to be quiet.
´Put it out.´ - She told him to put it out.

*             En las órdenes en estilo directo se utiliza el imperativo.

*             Para pasar una orden a estilo indirecto, se utiliza la siguiente construcción:
                sujeto + verbo + objeto + infinitivo con to
                She told them to sit down.
                He told her to close the window.

*             Para pasar una orden negativa a estilo indirecto, se utiliza not delante del infinitivo. La construcción es la siguiente:
                sujeto + verbo + objeto + not + infinitivo con to
                ´Don´t forget your wallet.´
                ´She told him not to forget his wallet.´

*             Otros reporting verbs que se utilizan para expresear órdenes son:
                advise, encourage, invite, persuade, remind, warn.

reported speech: suggestions:

Direct suggestions - Reported suggestions
´Shall we go for a walk?´ - He suggested that they went for a walk.
´Why don´t we go out tonight?´ - She suggested that they went out that night.

Para las sugerencias en estilo indirecto se utiliza suggest como reporting verb.


Infinitive - Past simple - Past Participle - Translation

arise - arose - arisen - surgir
awake - awoke - awaken - despertar
be - was/were   - been - ser/estar
beat    - beat - beaten  - golpear
become - became - become - llegar a ser
begin - began - begun - empezar
bend - bent - bent - doblar
bet - bet - bet - apostar
bite - bit - bitten - morder
bleed - bled - bled - sangrar
blow     - blew - blown - soplar
break - broke -broken -romper
bring - brought - brought - traer
broadcast - broadcast - broadcast - emitir
build - built - built - construir
burn - burnt - burnt - quemar
burst - burst - burst - estallar
buy - bought - bought - comprar
can -could - could - poder
catch - caught - caught - coger
choose - chose - chosen - elegir
come - came - come - venir
cost     - cost - cost - costar
cut - cut - cut - cortar
deal  - dealt - dealt - tratar
dig - dug - dug - cavar
do - did - done - hacer
draw - drew - drawn - dibujar
dream - dreamt - dreamt - soñar
drink - drank - drunk - beber
drive - drove - driven - conducir
eat - ate - eaten - comer
fall - fell - fallen - caer
feed    - fed    - fed - alimentar
feel - felt - felt - sentir
fight   - fought - fought - pelear
find - found - found    - encontrar
fit - fit - fit  - quedar (de ropa)
fly - flew - flown - volar
forbid - forbade - forbidden - prohibir
forget - forgot - forgotten - olvidar
forgive - forgave - forgiven - perdonar
freeze - froze - frozen - helar
get - got - got - conseguir
give - gave - given - dar
go - went - gone - ir
grow     - grew - grown - crecer
hang - hung - hung - colgar
have - had - had - haber, tener
hear -  heard - heard - oir
hide     - hid hidden - esconder
hit - hit - hit - golpear
hold    - held - held - agarrar, sostener
hurt - hurt - hurt - herir
keep - kept - kept - guardar
kneel - knelt - knelt   - arrodillarse
know - knew - known - saber, conocer
lay - laid - laid  - poner
lead - led   - led - dirigir
learn  - learned / learnt - learned / learnt  - aprender
leave - left - left - dejar, irse de
lend    - lent - lent - prestar
let - let - let - permitir
lie - lay - lain - echarse, tumbarse
light   - lit - lit - encender
lose    - lost - lost - perder
make - made - made - hacer, fabricar
mean - meant - meant - significar, querer decir
meet - met - met - encontrar
mistake - mistook - mistaken  - entender, interpretar mal
overtake - overtook - overtaken - adelantar
pay - paid - paid - pagar
put - put - put - colocar, poner
read    - read - read - leer
ride - rode - ridden - montar
ring - rang - rung - sonar
rise - rose - risen - levantarse
run - ran - run - correr
say - said - said - decir
see - saw - seen - ver
seek     - sought - sought - buscar
sell - sold  - sold - vender
send     - sent - sent - enviar
set - set - set - poner, colocar
sew - sewed - sewn - coser
shake - shook   - shook - agitar, estrechar la mano
shine - shone - shone - brillar
shoot - shot - shot - disparar
show - showed - shown   - mostrar
shrink - shrank  - shrunk - encoger
shut    - shut - shut - cerrar
sing    - sang - sung - cantar
sink - sank - sunk - hundir
sit - sat - sat - sentarse
sleep - slept - slept   - dormir
smell - smelt - smelt - oler
speak - spoke   - spoken - hablar
spell - spelt - spelt - deletrear
spend - spent - spent - pasar, gastar
split - split - split -dividir
spoil    - spoilt - spoilt - estropear
spread - spread - spread - extender
stand - stood - stood - estar de pie
steal    - stole - stolen - robar
stick    - stuck - stuck - pegar
sting    - stung - stung - pegar
strike - struck - struck - golpear
strive - strove - striven - esforzarse, procurar
swear - swore  - sworn - jurar
sweep - swept  - swept - barrer
swim - swam - swum - nadar
swing - swung   - swung - balancear
take    - took - taken - tomar, llevar
teach - taught  - taught - enseñar
tear - tore - torn - rasgar, desgarrar
tell - told - told - decir, contar
think    - thought - thought - pensar
throw - threw - threw - tirar
understand - understood - understood - entender
upset - upset - upset - afligir
wake - woke - woken - despertar
wear - wore - worn - llevar puesto
weep - wept - wept - llorar
win - won - won - ganar
withdraw  - withdrew - withdrawn - retirar
write - wrote - written - escribir

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