Ejercicios Clase 30

Solo Build It!

A. Escriba el infinitivo o la forma ‘Past Simple’ de los siguientes verbos.

1             Clean ............................

2             .....................  lived

3             Stop ................... ....

4             .................... ............ typed

5             work ......................... 

6             ........................................ studied

7             carry .........................

8             .......................... lost

9             find ............................

10           ................. had

11           leave ...........................

12           ..................................... did

13           break ...................

14           ................................. bought  

Las respuestas correctas.

1             cleaned
2             live
3             stopped
4             type
5             worked
6             study
7             carried
8             lose
9             found
10           have
11           left
12           do
13           broke
14           buy

B. Utilice ‘have/has gone to’ y una de la palabras dadas.

                market  -  dentist  -  bank  -  bed  -  gym
1             Jacob y Eli no tenían dinero.

                They .........................................  ........................... .......... the …………………. .

2             Rocco y Madonna no tenían nada para comer.

                They.......................................  .................. ....................... the ............................ .

3             Mike tenía mucho sueño.

                He ................  .............................. ......... ..........................

4             A Ramon le dolía una muela.

                He ...................  ......................  ........................ the................................ .

5             Olga salío de casa con el chándal puesto.

                She ..........................  ....................  ............. .  the ............ .

Las respuestas correctas.

1             have gone to/bank
2             have gone to/market
3             has gone to bed
4             has gone to/dentist
5             has gone to/gym

C. Utilice el 'Past Simple' de uno de los verbos dados para completar las frases.

                be  -  live  -  go  - buy  -  run

1             EL AÑO PASADO

                We .................................  on holiday to Venice ..................... .................... . 

2             EL MES PASADO

                He ........................... a marathon .................................... ....................... . 

3             CUÁNDO             

                 ............................  .................................. you a student? 

4             LA SEMANA PASADA

                I ...........................  a new car ................................ …………………… . 

5             DÓNDE

                ............................  ................................. she ........................................ in England?

Las respuestas correctas.

1             went/last year
2             ran/last month
3             When were
4             bought/last week
5             Where did/live

D. Complete con 'ago', las palabras dadas y un verbo.

1             When did the train leave?          (MINUTES)

                It ........................... a few ............................  ......................... .

2             When did England win the World Cup?                (AÑOS)

                England ........................ the World Cup many ..........................  ................... .

3             When was your birthday?           (SEIS MESES)

                It ................. my birthday ........................  ........................  ......................... .

4             When did you arrive?    (MUCHO TIEMPO)

                I ......................... a ...........................  ........................  ..................... .

5             When did you lose your wallet?                              (MEDIA HORA)

                I .................. it about ................. an ............................  ........................ .

6             When did you get here?              (UNA HORA)

                I ...................... here more than .............. .................  .............. .

Las respuestas correctas.

1             left/minutes ago
2             won/years ago
3             was/six months ago
4             arrived/long time ago
5             lost/half/hour ago
6             got/an hour ago

E. Complete con 'for' o 'ago', las palabras dadas y un verbo.

1             How long were you a secretary?             (DOS AÑOS)

                I ................. a secretary................  .................  ........................... .

2             How long were they on holiday?             (DOCE DÍAS)

                They ...................... on holiday ..........................  .......................  .................... .

3             When did they come here?       (OCHO MESES)

                They .......................... here .................  ...............................  ...................... .

4             When did you break the chair? (HORA)

                I ..................... the ........................  an ..................... ....................... .

5             When did they go to the cinema?           (VEINTE MINUTOS)

                They .........................  to the cinema ......................... .................... ................. . 

6             How long did the film last ?        (UNA HORA Y MEDIA)

                It ....................  ........................... an hour and a ........................... .

Las respuestas correctas.

1             was/for two years
2             were/for twelve days
3             came/eight months ago
4             broke/chair/hour ago
5             went/twenty minutes ago
6             lasted for/half

F. Complete las frases, utilizando 'be going to' y las palabras dadas.

                go  -  have  -  play  -  watch  -  wash
1             He ............. ............... .......... ................ ................... his hair. 

2             She ............  ..........................  .................  .................... a bath.

3             They .....................  .........................  ..................  ......................... television.

4             We ..............  ....................  ................  ......... to our friend´s party.

5             I ............  .................  ...................  ....................... tennis.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             is going to wash
2             is going to have
3             are going to watch
4             are going to go
5             are going to play

G. Elija el tiempo verbal correcta para completar las frases.

1             worked/has worked

                She .......................................................for the BBC since 1980.

2             broke/has broken

                He .........................................................his leg yesterday.

3             lost/have lost

                Oh, no! I....................................................my new gloves.

4             bought/have bought

                Look! We .................................................... a new car.

5             arrived/has arrived

                The letter ..................................................... last week.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             has worked
2             broke
3             have lost
4             have bought
5             arrived

H. Complete con 'still', 'yet' o 'just'.

1             It´s .................................... snowing. 

2             He´s ......................... arrived. 

3             He hasn´t left.......................... .

4             They´ve .....................  gone on holiday.

5             Have you had lunch ................................ ?

6             They ............................... haven´t finished eating.

7             He hasn´t finished cleaning his car ........................... .

Las respuestas correctas.

1             still

2             just
3             yet
4             just
5             yet
6             still
7             yet

I. Complete con 'since' o 'for'.

1             It hasn´t snowed ………………………..  last Christmas.

2             She has been a secretary ….  …………………. a year.

3             They´ve been in London…………………..  Monday.

4             He´s been at university............................ two and a half years.

5             I´ve had a headache.......................................  about an hour.

6             Mr White has lived in Sweden ............................ 1983.

7             We´ve worked here .......................... a long time.         

8             I haven´t smoked ......................... 11 o´clock this morning.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             since
2             for
3             since
4             for
5             for
6             since
7             for
8             since

J. Complete utilizando el futuro con 'will' o 'be going to'.

                visit  -  play  -  answer  -  open

1             Suena el teléfono y Usted se ofrece a contestarlo.

                .............. ' .................. ........................... it.

2             Una pareja pasa delante de Usted llevando raquetas de tennis.

                They .............  ........................  ...............  ......................... tennis.

3             Un amigo piensa visitar Inglaterra el año que viene.

                He ................  ....................  ............ ............................. England next year.    

4             Una anciana con muchos bolsos intenta abrir la puerta.

                ................. ' ................  ........................ it for you.        

Las respuestas correctas.

1             I´ll answer
2             are going to play
3             is going to visit
4             I´ll open

K. Construya preguntas utilizando 'be going to' y las pistas.

1             QUÉ/your parents/buy/at the shops


2             DÓNDE/you/have lunch


3             CUÁNDO/Mr Dooley/call you


4             A QUIÉN/she/meet/at the airport

5             CUÁNTO TIEMPO/he/sit there


Las respuestas correctas.

1             What are you parents going to buy at the shops?
2             Where are you going to have lunch?
3             When is Mr Dooley going to call you?
4             Who is she going to meet at the airport?
5             How long is he going to sit there?

L. Asocie las situaciones con las afirmaciones.

1             Debbie has just bought some tines of paint.
A             I think I´m going to lose.

2             There are a lot of grey clouds in the sky.
B             She´s going to clean the carpets.

3             You are playing tennis very badly.
C             He´s going to be late for work.

4             Mr Diestro´s alarm clock has broken.
D             I think I´m going to win a lot of money.

5             Charlie´s buying a lot of meat at the butcher´s.
E             I´m going to bed.

6             Otila is taking the sofa out of the living-room.
F             She´s going to decorate the kitchen.

7             Soraida and Eugenia are wearing thair hats and coats.
G            He´s going to buy some new boots.

8             You are playing a good game of poker.
H             He´s going to have a barbecue on Friday.

9             You are feeling very tired.
I              They´re going to go for a walk.

10           Roberto has gone into a shoe shop.
J              It´s going to rain.

Las respuestas correctas.

1             F
2             J

3             A

4             C
5             H
6             B
7             I
8             D
9             E
10           G

Solo Build It!